It is the week of Thanksgiving in the US. In the spirit of gratitude, here is a love poem for you, and all the peoples of this world. I remember going to a reading by Richard Blanco a few years ago, and crying my way through his stories and transparent heart. He describes himself as "made in Cuba, assembled in Spain and finally imported to the USA." And rightfully he found his way onto the podium with Barak Obama, as the youngest poet, first Latino, immigrant and openly gay poet invited into the role as presidential inaugural poet. His sense of belonging is a beacon for our time as we head home, together. He wrote this poem for the occasion. And it means more and more with each passing day. May our quiet time this Sunday light the path home. With you closely this Sunday, in the spirit of the silent drum tapping,
Barbara (and Peri)
"One Today" by Richard Blanco We head home: through the gloss of rain or weight of snow, or the plum blush of dusk, but always—home, always under one sky, our sky. And always one moon like a silent drum tapping on every rooftop and every window, of one country—all of us— facing the stars hope—a new constellation waiting for us to map it, waiting for us to name it—together