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April Meditation, 2017

Nearer to the earth’s heart

Deeper within its silence:

Animals know this world

In a way we never will.


As spring returns to the east coast of the United States, the instinctual migration of the animals returns with it. Every day a new bird song, a new tree leafing, a new flower appearing ~ and thus the inexorable cycles of life continue.

This Sunday, our day of collective silence, brings the opportunity to shift our gaze from the busyness of a frenetic world to the wisdom of the natural world that surround and sustains us. Let yourself be drawn into the silent, unfolding beauty of creation. Take some moments to connect with this place of deep and wild beauty within – the place where your own life is intimately connected to the rhythms of all creation.

With you in this place,

Peri & Barbara


To Learn from Animal Being

Nearer to the earth’s heart

Deeper within its silence:

Animals know this world

In a way we never will.

We who are ever distanced and distracted

By the parade of bright

Windows thought opens:

Their seamless presence

Is not fractured thus.

Stranded between time

Gone and time emerging,

We manage seldom

To be where we are:

Whereas they are always

Looking out from

The here and now.

May we learn to return

And rest in the beauty

Of animal being,

Learn to lean low,

Leave our locked minds,

And with freed senses

Feel the earth

Breathing with us.

May we enter

Into the lightness of spirit,

And slip frequently into

The feel of the wild.

Let the clear silence

Of our animal being

Cleanse our hearts

Of corrosive words.

May we learn to walk

Upon the earth

With all their confidence

And clear eyed stillness

So that our minds

Might be baptized

In the name of the wind

And the light and the rain.

- John O’Donohue

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