Dear co-travellers on the journey towards wholeness,
January 30 marks the first new moon of the year and the shift in the Chinese calendar. This summary of the new emphasis rang true for us, so we thought to pass it along as part of the call to stillness this coming Sunday. Movement that is sourced in a deep chamber of inner quiet is a powerful force in the world, as well as a joyous ride. Remnants of 2013’s need for shedding old frameworks are well noted.
This reflection is a continuation of the inner/outer theme that we touched on last month, as we explored the interior basis for authentic action, born of a deeper field of possibility, in right timing--- that comes from a still and sacred point of initiation. As the energy shifts towards strong, new beginnings we concurrently dwell in the place of origin that insures a flowering that is unified with life giving intent.
If you have a particular story about your experience in this fertile place of being, and feel to share it with this community of women, do send your account along to Jennifer and we will see how our contributions weave over this year.
Whether you find your way into a 10 minutes respite or a ten hour retreat this Sunday, we will meet you here.
With gratitude for you,
Barbara and Peri

Special New Year's edition
Cosmic Weather Report:
2014: Year of the Green Horse
January, 2014
Putney Mountain, Vermont
Mark Borax
As the Year of the Snake culminates a year of shedding, there's a lot of rawness and bruises in the air. The task ending in 2013 is the job of releasing everything that no longer serves the new you that's been struggling to emerge from the skin of the past. January is the final month of the Snake when whatever you've needed to release that you haven't yet, will be exacerbated until you do.
On the final day of January the Green Horse takes over from the Snake, and in oriental thought green is the element of wood, which means structure is an issue this year. Numerologically 2014 is a 7 year, a year of Testing, therefore the Green Horse is likely to test your life structures and draw your attention to any gap that exists between the vast fertile fields of your creative imagination and the life you're living.
The Horse is the most passionate animal, with two main drives:
1. The drive for freedom
2. The drive to claim the object of your passion.
The 2014 Green Horse Year will light up your passion (including its obstacles, which the Horse takes as hurdles on a track), and put you through your paces to test the structural limits of your dreams and realities. Where dream meets reality here and now, as well as further down the track, that's what a Green Horse sets its sights on.
The Horse is a fiery creature, headstrong and yet sensitive, ultra-relational, yet ultra-free, and this year tests you to learn how both sides of you can feed rather than destroy each other. Where personal freedom enhances relationship you'll be given a horse's go-ahead to speed down the track. Where personal freedom conflicts with relationship you've got some buckling down and cleaning up to do.
Horses are also extremely psychic in a way that links them with the main players of their life. The ongoing psychic conversations you maintain with those you bond with are another source of stimulation and transformation this year, because we all engage in these silent dialogs, that have much more effect on the way things go than we normally realize. As you use the Horse's psychic sensitivity to clarify your inner dialogs, you can clear the underlying root of relationship tangles, and lead yourself and others to open territory. Where the underlying dialogs are unclear you've got some work to do. The more you clear the channel of communication between you and yourself, the more you learn the truth of your underlying statements to others.
When a Horse bonds with someone in a primal physical way, he or she becomes elated to have finally found someone to run with. If the link between both of you is spiritual as well as physical, and is supported by the mystical union of all things, this year your relationship will go the distance, leaping hurdles into a promised land where dreams come true. But where your love is unsupported by a greater good you'll have to slow that gallop to a trot, and get sober.