Managing the quiet stirring of the soul
This morning there was a gentle ‘melancholy’ in my Being as I sat outside with my morning cup of tea. I am in northern Denmark for a month learning from a master in the world of horses. As is true of almost any form of mastery, there is an underlying way of living that is the foundation for the mastery. For this particular teacher, listening and moving with the deep impulses of Destiny has been central.
He is very fiery man, full of life and energy, strong and grounded.
As I was sitting on this day, letting my very, oh so very, soft tears draw me gently towards the deeper river of my Soul, I contemplated how it is at this moment in my life that Destiny calls me.
Often Destiny has called me in a direct and unambiguous way. “Stop this job.” “Leave this place.”….and when it calls directly, I simply act.
Other times it comes in the form of people who show up at key moments from whom I can learn and grow. And then these teachers die or I am complete with my learning.
So, here in this place I found myself contemplating how it is the Destiny is calling me now. And it seems to be calling me in a more quiet way today. As I sat and let my awareness open, I heard:
“All you need to do is be Still, be Still and then simply begin to open your heart to the Infinite. Let your imagination wander without haste or fear towards those images that bring a sense of joy and peace into your Heart. There is no rush, there is no hurry.”
And as I did this I felt the “mists of morning” begin to slowly clear. Soft, unfocused but discernible images were present ~ out there on the horizon of my consciousness. They are there, they will come ~ I only need to hold a practice of gentle yet specific invitation without any sense of rushing towards or grasping.
This seems a new way for me to converse with Destiny…I will begin to explore and learn.
When I stood up to stretch and go to breakfast, I lifted my eyes to the sky and directly above me was a Hawk ~ circling, slowly circling ~ and then he turned and glided to the North. A precious symbol that this is, indeed, my new way of conversing with Destiny.
It is a good morning.
With Love,
Peri (and Barbara)