On behalf of my colleagues, too, I greet you in the arms of silence. Honestly, I almost forgot, as I lost track of real time in the pages of Stieg Larrson's Millenium Series. I have thought a lot about why the great swell of readership aside from the compelling, well-constructed (though rough at times) read. For me it is because of a great heroine who is moral, complex and unstoppable. The details and the sensibility of a woman's life slowly reveal themselves-- not unlike the equally great, unique story each one of us lives. I am always reaching for what the episodes of my life add up to. And I have a hunch we all feel a bit abnormal in some personal way. What does this have to do with silence? Not sure, but I think awareness of my story line is easier when the noise of the world is held at bay periodically.
Blessings on this day, tending your interior life, and the unfolding meaning of you, Barbara Cecil
Attached is a picture of a stone that I stumbled on recently in a dry river bed. I swear it's a picture of the story line....